Wednesday, September 29, 2021

ODI - Sort Component

A sort is a projector component that will apply a sort order to the rows of the processed dataset using the SQL order by statement.

Create Steps:

Step1: Drag and drop a sort component from the comnent pallete and connect with source and target.

Step2: select the sort component and select condition tab in the property inspector. Multiple fields can be listed separated by commas and ASC and DESC can be appended after each field to define if thw sort will be ascending or descending.

By default, Its ascending order.

Go to physical tab and provide LKM( SQL TO SQL) and IKM(ORACLE APPEND) and flow control as False and save and run.

ODI - Join component


A join is a slector component that create a join between multiple flows. A join can be located in a dataset or directly in a mapping as a flow component. 

By default, the join condition will be an equi-join between the two atrributes. But we can also do left outer join, right right join , cross or natural joins etc.

Difference between lookup and join:

  • Lookup handles less volume of data where as join handles huge data.
  • Lookup have 1 input link where as join can have multiple source data links.
  • The lookup component gives us some additional functionality compared to a join. We can supply a default value for a key that does not exist in our lookup table. Using a join we might have to do an outer join followed by an expression operator providing a case to replace the NULL from the unmatched key.

Usecase: we will join two tables jobs and job_history based on join condition where jobs.job_id =job_history.job_id and then store them ina  target table.

Implementation steps: 

Step1: I hope you have created model db stores as tables.

Step2: Drag and drop source tables to map and drag and drop join component from component pallete.

Step3: provide the join condition.

Step4: join the target table

Step5: Go to physical tab and provide LKM and IKM and flow control as False.

Save and run it.

ODI - sets conponent - Union operarion

A set component is a projector component that combines multiple input flows into one using set operation such as Union, Intersect, except, Minus and others.

Use case: We will same 2 Location tables as source tables and then use a filter on them and then union and store to Target table.


Step1: Drag and drop 2 same locations table and 2 filters and define the filter conditions.

Step2: Drag and drop a set component from the component palette into the logical diagram.

Step3: Drag and drop Target table and connect the set to the target. In the properry inspector, select the Operators tab and select cells in the operator column to choose the appropriate set operators. UNION is choosen by default.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

ODI - Aggregate component

  • The aggregate component is a projector component which groups and combines attributes using aggregate functions, such as average, count, maximum, sum, and so on.
  • ODI will automatically select attributes without aggregation functions to be used as group-by attributes. You can override this by using the Is Group By and Manual Group By Clause properties.

To create an aggregate component:

  • Drag and drop the aggregate component from the component palette into the logical diagram.
  • Define the attributes of the aggregate if the attributes will be different from the source components. To do this, select the Attributes tab in the property inspector, and click the green plus icon to add attributes. Enter new attribute names in the Target column and assign them appropriate values. If attributes in the aggregate component will be the same as those in a source component, use attribute matching.
  • Create a connection from a source component by dragging a line from the connector port of the source to the connector port of the aggregate component.
  • The Attribute Matching dialog will be shown. If attributes in the aggregate component will be the same as those in a source component, check the Create Attributes on Target box. If necessary, map all attributes from source to target that were not mapped though attribute matching, and create transformation expressions as necessary .
  • In the property inspector, the attributes are listed in a table on the Attributes tab. Specify aggregation functions for each attribute as needed. By default all attributes not mapped using aggregation functions (such as sum, count, avg, max, min, and so on) will be used as Group By.

You can modify an aggregation expression by clicking the attribute. For example, if you want to calculate average salary per department, you might have two attributes: the first attribute called AVG_SAL, which you give the expression AVG(EMP.SAL), while the second attribute called DEPTNO has no expression. If Is Group By is set to Auto, DEPTNO will be automatically included in the GROUP BY clause of the generated code.

You can override this default by changing the property Is Group By on a given attribute from Auto to Yes or No, by double-clicking on the table cell and selecting the desired option from the drop down list.

You can set a different GROUP BY clause other than the default for the entire aggregate component. Select the General tab in the property inspector, and then set a Manual Group by Clause. For example, set the Manual Group by Clause to YEAR(customer.birthdate) to group by birthday year.

Optionally, add a HAVING clause by setting the HAVING property of the aggregate component: for example, SUM(order.amount) > 1000.

ODI - Split component

A split is a selector component that divides into two or more flows based on specified conditions.

Use case: split source table data to 4 regions target tables.


Drag and drop a split component from the component palette into logical diagram

Connect the split component to source and target tables.

In the property inspector tab, open the split conditions tab and provide the split condition.

Provide optimization context.

Provide LKM and IKM

ODI - Use of sequence object in a surrogate key

A Surrogate key in SQL server is a unique identifier for each row in the table. This type of key is either db generated using sequence or guid or generated via another application.

Use case: we will create a sequence in target db schema and use it in the mapping.

Step1: Create a sequence in Target shema:

Create sequence TRG.SEQ_JOBS

Minvalue 1

Maxvalue 999999999

Start with 1

Increment by 1;

Step2: once map done , slect the key field which to be unique and add the squence.nextval in the expression.


Use optimization context in the physical tab and Use IKM and LKM as needed.

Monday, September 27, 2021

ODI - Distinct component

A distinct is a projector component that projects a subset of attributes in the flow. The values of each row have to be unique; the behavior follows the rules of the SQL DISTINCT clause.


To select distinct rows from a source datastore:

Drag and drop a Distinct component from the component palette into the logical diagram.

Connect the preceding component to the Distinct component by dragging a line from the preceding component to the Distinct component.

The Attribute Mapping Dialog will appear: select Create Attributes On Target to create all of the attributes in the Distinct component. Alternatively, you can manually map attributes as desired using the Attributes tab in the property inspector.

The distinct component will now filter all rows that have all projected attributes matching.

You can also change the distinct name in the general section of the logical tab.

Provide IKM as IKM SQL Control Append

Choose IKM flow control as False.

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