Monday, July 25, 2022

How to create a process instance with OIC REST API | Process Cloud Service

Usecase: Here, Using Oracle provided REST API, we will create/test a new process instance for a message based process from SOAP UI.

Note: It does not support process instance creation of a synchrounous process. Only Async process instances creation is supported.

To Create a Process Instance, use below URI and Verb:

  • Resource URI: https://<Host>/ic/api/process/v1/processes
  • Verb: POST

Request Body:



"processDefId":"oracleinternalpcs~<Application Name>!<Version>~<Process Name>",

"serviceName":"<process name>.service",



"params":{"Name":"Sri", "Reason":"Not Feeling well","FromDate":"2022-07-25","ToDate":"2022-07-25"}


Note: operation by default is start. If you have changed your process operation, then you have to use the same 

My used payload:






"params":{"Name":"Sri", "Reason":"Not Feeling well","FromDate":"2022-07-25","ToDate":"2022-07-25"}


Steps with Screenshots:

Open SOAP UI >> Rest >>provide URI>>Ok

Add a basic authorization.

Add payload and test.

Open OIC >> My Tasks>>select and perform required action.

  1. We can also create a new process instance from a web form(Form-based process Start)
  2. We can also retrieve a process instance using get verb and uri: /ic/api/process/v1/processes/{processid}


Expose a Process application as web service over SOAP/HTTPs | Process Cloud Service

Usecase: Here, we will see the following -

  • Expose a messgae based process application as Web service(WSDL).
  • Test the webservice using SOAP UI.
  • Using this steps, not only we can expose a service as a web service, also we can retire, deactivate and shutdown the process application.

Steps with screenshots:

Oracle Integration navigation pane >> processes >> Process Application 

Search your process >> Activate

Actions>> Web Services

Copy the wsdl for testing.

Testing in SOAP:

My Tasks >> select the process >> perfom required action.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Assign roles to users or groups to your process | Manage roles in process adminstration | Process Cloud Service

We can assign following roles to specific users or group for your process:

  • Analytics Viewer
  • Process Owner
  • Process Reviewer
Steps to assign roles:

Oracle Integration Navigation page >> My Tasks >> Administration >> search your process & add members to specifics process role.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Create a message based process | Create an Integration that invokes a process I Process Cloud Service

Usecase: Here, we willl do the following:

  1. Create a message based leave approval process where we will create a web form to show the emp name, reason, fromdate and todate which the end user will verify and approve or reject.
  2. Create an integration to feed the the data to the process - LeaveRequestApplication.
  3. Assign roles to users for the created process.

Steps with screenshots:

Oracle Integration Navigation >> Processes >> Process Application >> Create

Provide application name

Create a structure process >> start when a message is received.

Select a pattern.

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