Monday, August 5, 2024

SQL - What is database? | Types of Databases? | What is SQL? | RDBMS? | what is a table? |


  • Database is a collection of data in a format that can be easily accessed(digital).
  • A software application used to manage our db is called database management system
Types of databases:
  1. Relational  - data stored in tables. Ex: MySQal, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgre SQL
  2. Non relational(noSQL) - data not stored in tables. Ex: MongoDB
What is SQL:
  • SQL is standard Structured Query Langugae used for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases.
  • It is used to perform CRUD operation , Create,  read, update and delete


  • RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
  • RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems such as MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.
  • The data in RDBMS is stored in database objects called tables.

A Table:

  • A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows. For example, customers table.
  • Every table is broken up into smaller entities called fields. The fields in the Customers table consist of CustomerID, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode and Country. 
  • A field is a column in a table that is designed to maintain specific information about every record in the table.
  • A record, also called a row, is each individual entry that exists in a table. A record is a horizontal entity in a table.
  • A column is a vertical entity in a table that contains all information associated with a specific field in a table.


Alfreds FutterkisteMaria AndersObere Str. 57Berlin12209Germany
2Ana Trujillo Emparedados y heladosAna TrujilloAvda. de la Constitución 2222México D.F.05021Mexico
3Antonio Moreno TaqueríaAntonio MorenoMataderos 2312México D.F.05023Mexico

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