Friday, July 12, 2024

ERP BI - Create Master details BI report using subgroup


ERP BI - Case study 3 - Create RTF template for multiple groups or master details report.

Case Study:

  1. Show PO header information in FORM layout and PO Lines in Table Layout.
  2. Provide a report name
  3. Add header to insert company logo on the left side and date timestamps using extended XSL function on the right. <?xdoxslt:sysdate('DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')?>
  4. Always show a PO from a new page <?split-by-page-break:?>
  5. Decode the PO Status to a user friendly status using extended SQL function <?xdofx:decode(PO_STATUS, 'OPEN', 'Open PO', 'CLOSED', 'Closed PO', 'Others')?>
  6. Calculate Line Amount <?ITEM_UNIT_PRICE * ITEM_QUANTITY?>
  7. Calculate the PO Amount (Sum of all line amount)
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX,'LineAmt',ITEM_UNIT_PRICE * ITEM_QUANTITY)?>
xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'TotLineAmt')+ xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'LineAmt'))?>

2 & 3 can be combined into one statement

xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'TotLineAmt')+ ITEM_UNIT_PRICE * ITEM_QUANTITY)?>


  8. Show Total Line Amount or PO Amount un words

<?xdoxslt:toCheckNumbers($_XDOLOCALE,xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'TotLineAmt'), 'USD')?>

Extended XSL and SQL functions support in RTF templates:

Detailed Screenshots:

Show PO header information in FORM layout and PO Lines in Table Layout.

Provide a report name
Add header to insert company logo on the left side and date timestamps using extended XSL function on the right. <?xdoxslt:sysdate('DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')?>

Always show a PO from a new page <?split-by-page-break:?>

Decode the PO Status to a user friendly status using extended SQL function <?xdofx:decode(PO_STATUS, 'OPEN', 'Open PO', 'CLOSED', 'Closed PO', 'Others')?>

Calculate Line Amount:

Calculate the PO Amount (Sum of all line amount)

Show Total Line Amount or PO Amount un words

Thursday, July 11, 2024

ERP BI - Case Study 2 - Create Fixed position based BI report

Case Study: 

we will create a fixed position based eText template(RTF) to generate BI report. The columns will be as below:

  1. Start with hardcoded value "NEW"   which is of 3 chars.
  2. Next a whitespace.
  3. Next vendor number , size 15 chars,  if less size, will be padded with whitespace.
  4. Next invoice Number, size 30 chars, all in caps, if less size , will be padded with whitespace
  5. Next invoice date , in YYYYMMDD, size 8 chars.
  6. Next a whitespace
  7. Next invoice amount , size 15 chars, if less size, will be padded "0" before the original digits.
  8. Next a whitespace
  9. Next Invoice Currency code, size 3 chars.

SQL Query:


,AVA.invoice_num INVOICE_NUM

,AVA.invoice_date INVOICE_DATE

,AVA.invoice_amount INVOICE_AMOUNT

,AVA.invoice_currency_code INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE

FROM ap_invoices_all AVA

,poz_suppliers PS

WHERE AVA.vendor_id = PS.vendor_id

EFT template or layout:

Detailed screenshots:



  1. All SQL functions can be applied in data like TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, MAX, MIN, NVL, DECODE, UPPER, LOWER, COUNT, CELL, ROUND, REPLACE ETC.
  2. Etext template can also be used for character delimited files as well.
  3. Payment files, bank statements are created using eText templates.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

BI report - How to secure your pdf report output | Static method

 Usecase: Here, we will see how to protect your pdf file with password.

Report edit >> properties >> formatting >> enable pdf security as True >> provide open document password.

ERP BI report service - invoke a BI report from soap ui using report service.


Generally we call the below service to extract the data from BI report.

https://<your oracle cloud application instance domain>/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?WSDL

HERE, We can also use below report service.



Soap >> put wsdl >> ok >> choose run report 

Provide report absolute path  and other details, parameter name values if any >> basic authenticaltion 

We will get the response in base64 encoded that we need to decode and use it.


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