Usecase: Here, we will see how to protect your pdf file with password.
Report edit >> properties >> formatting >> enable pdf security as True >> provide open document password.
Usecase: Here, we will see how to protect your pdf file with password.
Report edit >> properties >> formatting >> enable pdf security as True >> provide open document password.
Generally we call the below service to extract the data from BI report.
https://<your oracle cloud application instance domain>/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?WSDL
HERE, We can also use below report service.
Soap >> put wsdl >> ok >> choose run report
We will get the response in base64 encoded that we need to decode and use it.
Here, will convert Invoice number into a barcode in BI report using font mappings.
Detailed steps:
Create a RTF template based on data model xml file. >> select the invoice num element >> change font to Marlett
Usecase: Create a master BI report using element link between two datamodels or groups.
We will create two data models supplier and supplier site and link them using common column vendor_id.
Detailed screenshots:
Here, we will create a master details BI report using group link. We will link po header with po lines(one or more) using group link where the unique and common field is po_header_id to map in these 2 tables.
PO_HDR( query for open standard PO with suppliers):
SELECT POH.po_header_id PO_HDR_ID
,POH.segment1 PO_NUMBER
,POH.document_status PO_ STATUS
,POH.type_lookup_code PO_TYPE
,HP.party_name SUPPLIER_NAME
FROM po_headers_all POH
, poz_suppliers PS
,hz_parties HP
WHERE POH.vendor_id= PS.vendor_id
AND PS.party_id= HP.party_id
AND POH.type_lookup_code= 'STANDARD'
AND POH.document_status='OPEN'
AND PS.segment1= 1255
PO_LINES(Query to find PO Lines against a PO Header.
,POL.po_line_id PO_LINE_ID
,POL.line_num PO_LINE_NUM
,POL.line_status PO_LINE_STATUS
,POL.item_description PO_ITEM
,POL.uom_code ITEM_UOM
FROM po_lines_all POL
WHERE POL.po_header_id = :po_hdr_id
Detailed screenshots:
Create data model
Usecase: Create a business object relationship
Open one business object >> overview >> Relationship >> select right side employee table >> choose the relationship as needed here one to many. >> create relationship.
Sometimes integration fails for special characters in data which we can't see and its like a double space in data.
If you are cutting and pasting from a text file, such as an XML file, you can find non-ASCII characters as
Follow below steps to find the special char:
Error usecase: Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error. The integration has been working for weeks, with a f...