Tuesday, October 10, 2023

OIC - Gen3 - Read file in segment - Set your own chunk size

In OIC Generation 2, we can also read file in segments or chunks using stage action but the chunk size is default limited to 200 records which we were not allowed to change.

In Generation 3 (23.04 onwards), it brings new feature that we can choose our own chunk or segment size from minimum 200 to maximum 2000 records.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Jdeveloper 12c - unable to launch the java virtual machine located at path: C:\\msvcr100.dll

Issue details: 

Sudden old java jdk version has been removed and new version jdk1.8.0_361 INSTALLED to my system. When I was trying to open the oracle jdeveloper 12c, its showing below error: 

Unable to launch the java virtual machine located at path: C:\Program Files \Java\jdk1.8.0_361\jre\bin\msvcr100.dll


Step1: setup the java jdk path

Search with system enviroment variables in windows 10 

>> environmental variable 

>> edit user variable JAVA_HOME with jdk bin path like C:\Program Files \Java\jdk1.8.0_361\bin 

>> edit system variable path and add New as C:\Program Files \Java\jdk1.8.0_361\bin

>> ok >> ok >> ok

Step2:  Copy the msvcr100.dll file




C:\Program Files \Java\jdk1.8.0_361\jre\bin

These above 2 steps will resolve the issue.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

OIC - Create a Reusable integration to pass Request Payload into Database table as clob type

Usecase: Here, we will create a reusable component or integration which will take any data XML or Json or etc as binary data and simply save as Text to database table as clob type.

Follow my below blog how to save XML or Json file into stage and then save the request payload into Database table as clob type.


Logic flow:

  1. Create a database table with payload column as clob type.
  2. Create a rest trigger and database connection.
  3. Create an app driven integration and configure the rest trigget and request payload format as binary.
  4. Configure the database table to insert the payload.
  5. Map the binary request payload to database payload using  decodebase64(encodeReferenceToBase64(Stream Reference) functions (Basically we are converting the stream reference to base64 data and then decode the base64 data).

Table create:



Payload CLOB,

Integration_Name VARCHAR2(100),

Integration_Identifier VARCHAR2(100));

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Integration flow:

Configure rest to pass binary data

Configure database to insert 

Map the stream ref to database table payload column.


OIC - Save Integration request payload XML/JSON into database


Here, We have a project requirement that we have to save the integration source data XML or Json into a database table so that the support person can track the payload if required. In addition, we need to save the metadata details like instance id, name, identifier etc.

Though Oracle integration allows us to track the complete complete using activity stream if debug or audit tracing is enabled. Saving the payload in the activity may have a security rick as the payload may contain sensitive data. 

But having a payload handy is essential for the operations or support team to debug the issues. Instead of storing the payload in the activity stream, we can save it into a persistent store like a database.

Note: here, we will save a Request Json data to database table, the same you can do using xml data.

Logic steps:

  1. Create a database table where payload column is as clob type.
  2. Create a database connection and a rest trigger connection.
  3. Create an appdriven integration and configure Rest to pass the json data as request paylaod.
  4. Write the request content into a stage location using the XML or JSON structure which ever required.
  5. Configure the database to insert
  6. Map the staged payload reference to database paylaod column using decodebase64(encodeReferenceToBase64(FileReference) functions.

Table create:



Payload CLOB,

Integration_Name VARCHAR2(100),

Integration_Identifier VARCHAR2(100));

Detailed steps (with screenshots):

Integration flow:

Configure rest trigger to send request

Assign some integration metadata specific details like instance id, name, identifier.

Write the JSON file into stage location

Configure the database to insert data

Map the stage payload to database payload column.


Monday, October 2, 2023

OIC - Gen3 - Connectivity agent basic authentication not supported | Support only OAuth 2.0 for Connectivity agent

New changes for connectivity agent:

  • While using connectivity agent, basic authentication is not supported in generation 3. 
  • To install and use connectivity agent, we need to use OAUTH 2.0 token based authentication in installerprofile.cfg file.
  • Create an agent group and download the config which will have all the details auto generated.
  •  Just then download the connectivity agent, unzip and replace the installerprofile.cfg file.

Navigation>> Go to Design >> agents

Download the agent

We can see client id and secret and scope added.

Download the config for the agent group to be used.

OIC - Split comma separated string values to Array | Use of create-nodeset-from-delimited-string() function in XSLT

UseCase: Here, we will show you how to split an input, received as comma separated string values( here, emails) into array of values using create-nodeset-from-delimited-string() function.

Logic steps:

  • Create a rest trigger connection
  • Create an app driven integration and configure using request and response jsons
  • Map the request to response using create-nodeset-from-delimited-string() function.

Input json:




output json:








XSLT code:




<xsl:for-each select="oraext:create-nodeset-from-delimited-string('{http://test.com/sample/xml}value',/nstrgmpr:execute/nstrgdf1:request-wrapper/nstrgdf1:Emails,',')">


<xsl:value-of select="."/>






Details steps with screenshots:

Rest configure to input comma separated strings and get back response as array.

Map the rest request which is the comma separated strings to array using create-nodeset-from-delimited-string() function.


Note: we can also use oraext:create-delimited-string() XSLT function to convert nodes to delimited string.


Friday, September 29, 2023

OIC - Gen 3 - How to Regulate access to a project | RBAC | Resource based access control

Oracle Integration Cloud Gen3: how to regulate access to a project?

A project can either be accessible to all users, depending on their service role (administrator, developer, monitoring rights, etc.), or restricted to a defined list of users.
  • By managing access to projects by users or groups of users via the role-based access control (RBAC) system, it is possible to isolate a project and make it accessible only to a specific group of users. In this way, multiple users working on different projects can work on the same Oracle Integration Cloud instance. 
  • This role system gives groups of users access and the right to view, edit and monitor only the resources of a project assigned to them.
  • Service roles (ServiceDeveloper, ServiceMonitor, ServiceInvoker etc.) assigned to each instance user have priority over permissions delegated within a project. So, if a user only has the right to monitor the instance, he or she cannot be given the ability to edit project resources. 
  • In terms of limitations, a maximum of 5 users or user groups can be defined for each project role (viewing, editing and monitoring).

OIC Gen3 compartmentalization

Example of compartmentalizing an OIC Gen3 instance into projects


  • The rights defined on a project are not migrated at the same time as the project to another environment (test or production). 
  • The user who imported the project to another environment is by default the owner of this project. It’s up to him to assign rights to project participants once again.

This permissions system enables parent integrations of a project to call child integrations:

    • for the same project;
    • another project, but with access defined as public
    • globally accessible, i.e. not part of a project.

It is also possible to convert a package into a project.



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