Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Shell script to move files older than 10 days

A small script to move file from one directory to another.

step1: Create a file with name file_move.sh

    for i in $(find  absolute_path_from_move -type f -name "*"  -mtime +10 2> /dev/null);


    mv $i archive_path;


step2: execute with Command 

    sh -x file_move.sh

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

OIC - Exception Handling

 OIC provides two out of the box features to handle exceptions.

  • Scope Handler:
Scope is one of the out of the box activity allow you to bundle a set of activities which have their own variables, Faults and event handlers. In other words, scope allow you to handle error raised in IC. It is like as try and catch block in other programming languages as java, dotnet etc. every scope activity has their own fault handlers which is treated as catch block.

Click here oic-scope-level-error-handling for POC.

  • Global Fault Handler:

The Global fault handler is super catch block which handle all the errors which are not supported by scope handlers. This functionality enables you to direct business faults to the caller or apply business logic before sending faults to the error handling framework. you can add fault handling to any integration type.

Click here oic-global-fault-handling-in-app-driven for POC.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

OIC - Connectivity Agent part 2

 This includes:

  • Pre-requisites for Connectivity Agent
  • Download Connectivity Agent
  • Install Connectivity Agent
  • Start/Stop Connectivity Agent.
  • Log files of Connectivity Agent
Pre-requisites for Connectivity Agent:

Download Connectivity Agent:
Step 1:
Go to the OIC Agents ⇾ Create Agent group ⇾ Provide Agent Group Name ⇾ create

Next click the Download button ⇾ Connectivity agent and it will download oic_connectivity-agent.zip
Connectivity Agent Installation:
Here showing the installation in Linux system.

Step1: Java jdk 8 version should be installed.
export JAVA_HOME=/home/opc/java/jdk1.8.0_251
export path=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
java -version
java version "1.8.0_251"
Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_251-b08)
Java HotSpot (TM) 64-bit Server VM (build 25.251-b08, mixed mode)

Step2: unzip zip file
unzip oic_connectivity_agent.zip
ls -ltr

Step3: Provide OIC url and agent group name in InstallerProfile.cfg
vi  InstallerProfile.cfg
Put the following details:
agent_Group_Identifier: AGENT_GROUP

java -jar connectivityagent.jar

proceeding to install a new agent
Enter your OIC username:
Enter password for user:
Done with Agent installation & Configurations... Starting Agent for message processing.
Agent started successfully...Now available for new message.

Now go to the OIC agents and see 1 connectivity agent is created under Agent_GROUP. If you go to the Monitoring agents, you will see the agent is active in green.
No go the linux page and ctrl +c to shutdown it. and you will see the agent in red monitoring agent.

To run the connectivity in background.
nohup java -jar connectivityagent.jar &

and also add the oic_user and oic_password in the InstallerProfile.cfg file.
oic password=welcome

Start/Stop Connectivity Agent:

nohup java -jar connectivityagent.jar &

Go to agenthome 
cat pid
kill -9 5160

Log files of Connectivity Agent:
cd agenthome/logs
ls -ltr

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

12c SOA Weblogic console - Database - shared memory realm does not exist IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: No such file or directory error

While one of the SOA external DB was upgrading to 19c, I have stumbled with this following error during the datasourse connection testing.

Test of WorkboothDB on server osb_server1 failed, reason:

Error Connection test failed with the following exception: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceException: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: No such file or directory


This is because the Database instance name got changed. I have used the correct instance name and it got resolved.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

OIC - Connectivity Agent part 1

 This includes:

  • Connectivity Agent
  • Agent types
  • Connectivity agent architecture
  • Agent in HA Availability
  • Agent Group
  • Connectivity agent constraints
Connectivity Agent:
  • A connectivity agent or on  premise agent is a light weight component which solve the problem of cloud to on premise integration.
  • The agent is required to exchange messages with on premises application such as database, Oracle E-Business suite, systems, Applications and SAP products, Ariba etc. 
  • This CA can be installed behind the firewall to access on-premises applications.
Agent Types:
  • Connectivity agent
    • This is the intermediate gateway which provides a connection between SaaS and on-premises application or vice-versa.
  • Execution agent
    • This is self-managed instance of OIC help to connect applications within the organizations that enable secure integration between these systems residing on premise.
Connectivity Agent Architecture:
  • The agent work as a bridge between OIC and On premises applications and without that communication is not possible.
  • The OIC does not send any request to CA but CA does this job. Agent sends his heartbeat signals to Oracle Integration regularly to tell that I am live to serve your requests. In addition, to that agent regularly poll for design and run time work on which agent need to act upon.
  • Design time work includes set of activities like Test connection, activation or deactivation of integrations.
  • Same ways there are run time activities on which agent need to act upon. For any communication between integration cloud and on-premises systems such as Databases, EBS etc.

Agent Group:

  • An agent group is a unique identifier which comprises multiple connectivity agents.
  • You must create a agent group in OIC before you can run the connectivity agent installer.
  • For a single oracle integration instance, you can create up to 5 agent groups. If the limit exceeds, you will get error like "Max limit reached. Maximum 5 Connectivity agents can be added."

Connectivity Agent in HA :

To tackle the high traffic on a single connectivity agent, you can install Connectivity Agent in High Availability mode. you can associate max two agents with a single agent group and both the agents should run on different hosts. The HA mode ensures the transactions will continue if any of the agents goes down or any hosts becomes unavailable.

Connectivity agent constraints:

  • 10 MB payload limit
    • The OIC agent can handle payload in size which is less than 10 MB in a single transaction.
  • 240 sec or 4 mins Timeout
    • Every transaction sent out to the on-premises application via agent must be completed within 240 seconds.

Monday, October 19, 2020

OIC - create PGP key to use in FTP connection

Go to pgpkeygen and fill up few details like your name, email id and choose algorithm as RSA , key size as 4096 bits(more secure). expires and passphrase and click generate keys.

Now download the keys.
Downloaded private and public PGP key files:

Thursday, October 15, 2020

12c SOA Synchronous BPEL process with a wait activity fails with a timeout

The Wait activity works well with an asynchronous BPEL process but not with a synchronous BPEL process where a transaction is required. The Wait activity involves a dehydration. Dehydration will persist the process and continue the process in a new thread. When the BPEL process is transaction required, the persist will not be complete until the BPEL process completes and transaction commits.

Synchronous BPEL process with a wait activity fails with a timeout

One of the solutions is possible:

Remove the following line from the synchronous BPEL process component:



Change bpel.config.transaction to “requiredNew”


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OIC - Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error

Error usecase: Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error. The integration has been working for weeks, with a f...