Monday, June 22, 2020

Outlook Web - how to edit or delete rules

To create a rule in Outllok Web Access.

Click New Rule ⇾Click the desired option to select it.

To edit a rule in OWA.

1. Select the rule from the rules window by clicking it.
2. Click Change Rule to open the rule editing window.
3. Make the changes that you want.
4. Click Save to save your changes.

To delete a rule in Outlook Web Access.
1. Select the rule from the rules window by clicking it.
2. Click Delete.
3. A window will pop up asking if you want to permanently delete the selected items.
4. Click OK on the confirmation window to permanently delete the rule.

Outlook Web Access acts on rules from top to bottom in the order that they appear in the Rules window. To change the order of rules, click the rule you want to move and then click the up or down arrow to move the rule to the position that you want in the list.

You can also add an option to a rule to stop processing additional rules against any message that the rule applies to. This is useful if a message comes in that meets the criteria for more than one rule, but you want only one of the rules to be applied.

Edit /Delete steps:

Thursday, June 18, 2020

12c OSB - Message reporting

Here we will see how to use report and track from em console.

Open the pipeline and drag and drop Report into a stage.

Provide the Content, Key name, variable as body and xpath for the key.

Deploy the code and test.
Open EM console and SOA⇾Service-bus
Service Bus ⇾ Message Reports
You can see CountryName=India  report column. click here and you will get the body messages and other details.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

12c OSB - Alert vs Log vs Report

We have 3 out-of-box options for reporting in OSB, below are the differences between them. We can choose one of them based on our requirement.

  • One of the basics way of logging in the Oracle Service Bus is adding Log Action in every corner of your proxy service.
  • When really debugging a service it’s usually a matter of “what goes in” and “what goes out” and where did my transformation go wrong. So instead of flooding your services with Log Actions, OSB gives an alternate option of enabling Execution tracing(You can find it on each service on the Operational Settings tab, called execution and message tracing).
  • Once we enable the Execution Tracing, the log file will show the full content of MessageContextImpl in every step (stage, route, etc) of the service. The MessageContextImpl holds are the variables like $body, $operation, $inbound and $header you need. – Only Problem in this option is we will end up in logging everything in the server. – Extremely easy to configure but little difficult to track the message in server logs.- Performance impact will be there since all the data is written into one single log file.
Please visit this for the logging implementation steps 12c-osb-enabling-logging.

  • An alert action in a pipeline is configured to raise alerts when such predefined conditions are encountered.
  • You can also configure email and JMS alert destinations to receive a notification of the alert, and send the details to the alert recipient in the form of payload.
  • Pipeline alerting can also be used to detect errors in a message flow.
Please visit this for alert implementation steps osb-pipeline-alerts.
  • Reports mainly used for Track/Monitor the inbound and outbound messages in the proxy services.
  • We can add a Report action in our Request-Response pipeline of our service.
  • The expression field holds the part we actually want to trace – Usually the $Body or Specific Content of the Body element.
  • The Key Name is best used for your reference and let you easily search later on. Which is identical throughout all service calls in the business process. – Correlation Id or Specific element from the body which we can use for tracking during production.
Click here to know steps for Message reporting 12c-osb-message-reporting

12c OSB - DVM Implementation

Create a Service bus project

Create a Proxy schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns=""
targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xsd:element name="Request">
<xsd:element name="CountryCodeIn" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Response">
<xsd:element name="CountryCodeOut" type="xsd:string"/>

Create a proxy wsdl based on the created schema.

Create a proxy and pipeline based on the created proxy wsdl.

Create a Country.dvm 

Open the pipeline and drag and drop pipeline pair node and take a assign activity and use the dvm to fetch the mapping values.

dvm:lookup('DVMSBProject/CountryCode', 'CountryName', $body/prox:Request/prox:CountryCodeIn, 'CountryCode', 'NotFound')

Now create one xquery to map this dvm output to proxy response.

Use the created Xquery in the replace activity

deploy to the server and test

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