Thursday, October 10, 2019

12c OSB - Expose post rest OSB service using rest adapter

Create a service bus project.

 Create a REST adapter on left swim lane
Provide the rest adapter name, Type as "Service" and checked the service will invoke components using WSDL interfaces option.
Provide the Resource path name

 Click on plus sign to add the operation, HTTP verb and request response details.

 Now drag a pipeline and choose the created wsdl file

 De-select the expose as a proxy service

 Open the pipeline and add a stage it it
 Provide the xpath which to be sent as a response.

Test from SOAP UI:
http://localhost:<<OSB Port>/<<proxy endpoint>>/<<resource name>>
Rest URI:

 Test JSON Payload
 Test XML Payload

Thursday, October 3, 2019

12c OSB - Create get rest OSB service using rest adapter

Create a service bus project.

 Create a REST adapter on left swim lane

 Provide the Resource path name
 Provide the get operation and request and response schema element details.

 Now drag a pipeline and choose the created wsdl file

De-select the expose as a proxy service

Open the pipeline and add a stage it it

Provide the xpath which to be sent as a response.

Rest URI:
http://localhost:<<OSB Port>/<<proxy endpoint>>/<<resource name>>

Open in soap ui


12c SOA - Invoke Post Rest SOA service from another SOA composite using REST adapter

Here i will show you how to invoke post rest soa service from another SOA composite using REST adapter.In my previous post, i have created the following expose post rest service. In this blog, i will use this service WADL.
Service WADL:

Create XSD for the synchronous BPEL process
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns=""
            targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
  <xsd:element name="CustomersReq">
              <xsd:element name="ID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="Address" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="CustomersRes">
              <xsd:element name="Outcome" type="xsd:string"/>

Drag a rest adapter in the external references swim lane and provide Name, Type as Reference and checked the Reference will be invoked by components using WSDL interface option
  Click on Configuration shortcut plus sign to add the wadl service.
  Put the WADL in the selection and press enter key
 It has parsed the WADL and fetched all the required resource path and operation details.
 Check for Localize external references.
 Rest adapter is ready. wire the components.
 In the BPEL, Assign the input and output to/from to rest adpater.
 Test from EM console.

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