Wednesday, November 24, 2021

ODI - Sql query to monitor TEMP size and resize

Query to monitor the temp total, used and free space in mb:

Select A.tablespace_name tablespace , D.mb_total, SUM(A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, D.mb_total - SUM(A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_free

From v$sort_segment A, ( select, C.block_size, SUM(C.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 mb_total from v$tablespace B, v$tempfile C where B.ts#= C.ts#

Group by, C.block_size) D

Where A.tablespace_name =

Group by A.tablespace_name, D.mb_total

Query to Resize the temp file space:

Alter Database TEMPFILE 'tempfile' RESIZE 300G

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

ODI 12c - Standalone and J2ee agent configuration

Steps to configure Standalone and J2ee agent:

Go to ODI installed path Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin and run config 

Create a new domain.

Select templates to be installed required for Agents

Create an Admin server

Create ODI manage servers.

Create Machine

Create Standalone agent

Run installNodeMgrSvc

Services.msc in run and start it


Start the standalone agent

Once weblogic started, login console and check alll servers, deployment etc and test your created both standalone and j2ee agent.

From Weblogic, you can go to Deployments -- OracleDIAgent -- testing  to test the oracle j2ee agent.

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Signing vs Verification keys

When it comes to signing and verifying, the distinction lies in how public and private keys are used in asymmetric cryptography (like RSA or...