Friday, July 12, 2024

BI report - How to secure your pdf report output | dynamic method

Usecase: Here, we will see how to secure your pdf file with dynamic method.

Steps to follow:

Open the RTF template >> File >> Info >> Properties >> Advanced Properties >> custom tab >> add following two properties:

Name : xdo-pdf-security  value: true

Name: xdo-pdf-open-password value: {DATA_DS/G_1/SUPPLIER_NUMBER}

Then save >> upload to BI report >> view list and select pdf format >>  view report.

ERP BI - Create Master details BI report using subgroup


ERP BI - Case study 3 - Create RTF template for multiple groups or master details report.

Case Study:

  1. Show PO header information in FORM layout and PO Lines in Table Layout.
  2. Provide a report name
  3. Add header to insert company logo on the left side and date timestamps using extended XSL function on the right. <?xdoxslt:sysdate('DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')?>
  4. Always show a PO from a new page <?split-by-page-break:?>
  5. Decode the PO Status to a user friendly status using extended SQL function <?xdofx:decode(PO_STATUS, 'OPEN', 'Open PO', 'CLOSED', 'Closed PO', 'Others')?>
  6. Calculate Line Amount <?ITEM_UNIT_PRICE * ITEM_QUANTITY?>
  7. Calculate the PO Amount (Sum of all line amount)
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX,'LineAmt',ITEM_UNIT_PRICE * ITEM_QUANTITY)?>
xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'TotLineAmt')+ xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'LineAmt'))?>

2 & 3 can be combined into one statement

xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'TotLineAmt')+ ITEM_UNIT_PRICE * ITEM_QUANTITY)?>


  8. Show Total Line Amount or PO Amount un words

<?xdoxslt:toCheckNumbers($_XDOLOCALE,xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'TotLineAmt'), 'USD')?>

Extended XSL and SQL functions support in RTF templates:

Detailed Screenshots:

Show PO header information in FORM layout and PO Lines in Table Layout.

Provide a report name
Add header to insert company logo on the left side and date timestamps using extended XSL function on the right. <?xdoxslt:sysdate('DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')?>

Always show a PO from a new page <?split-by-page-break:?>

Decode the PO Status to a user friendly status using extended SQL function <?xdofx:decode(PO_STATUS, 'OPEN', 'Open PO', 'CLOSED', 'Closed PO', 'Others')?>

Calculate Line Amount:

Calculate the PO Amount (Sum of all line amount)

Show Total Line Amount or PO Amount un words

Thursday, July 11, 2024

ERP BI - Case Study 2 - Create Fixed position based BI report

Case Study: 

we will create a fixed position based eText template(RTF) to generate BI report. The columns will be as below:

  1. Start with hardcoded value "NEW"   which is of 3 chars.
  2. Next a whitespace.
  3. Next vendor number , size 15 chars,  if less size, will be padded with whitespace.
  4. Next invoice Number, size 30 chars, all in caps, if less size , will be padded with whitespace
  5. Next invoice date , in YYYYMMDD, size 8 chars.
  6. Next a whitespace
  7. Next invoice amount , size 15 chars, if less size, will be padded "0" before the original digits.
  8. Next a whitespace
  9. Next Invoice Currency code, size 3 chars.

SQL Query:


,AVA.invoice_num INVOICE_NUM

,AVA.invoice_date INVOICE_DATE

,AVA.invoice_amount INVOICE_AMOUNT

,AVA.invoice_currency_code INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE

FROM ap_invoices_all AVA

,poz_suppliers PS

WHERE AVA.vendor_id = PS.vendor_id

EFT template or layout:

Detailed screenshots:



  1. All SQL functions can be applied in data like TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, MAX, MIN, NVL, DECODE, UPPER, LOWER, COUNT, CELL, ROUND, REPLACE ETC.
  2. Etext template can also be used for character delimited files as well.
  3. Payment files, bank statements are created using eText templates.

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