Wednesday, July 10, 2024

BI report - How to secure your pdf report output | Static method

 Usecase: Here, we will see how to protect your pdf file with password.

Report edit >> properties >> formatting >> enable pdf security as True >> provide open document password.

ERP BI report service - invoke a BI report from soap ui using report service.


Generally we call the below service to extract the data from BI report.

https://<your oracle cloud application instance domain>/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?WSDL

HERE, We can also use below report service.



Soap >> put wsdl >> ok >> choose run report 

Provide report absolute path  and other details, parameter name values if any >> basic authenticaltion 

We will get the response in base64 encoded that we need to decode and use it.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

ERP BI - How to print Barcode in BI report


Here, will convert Invoice number into a barcode in BI report using font mappings.

Detailed steps:

Create a RTF template based on data model xml file. >> select the invoice num element >> change font to Marlett

Go to tools >> Reports  & analytics >> browse catalog >> administration >> publisher >> Manage Publisher >> Runtime Configuration >> Font Mappings >> base font: Marlett >> target font type: barcode39 >> apply

Create the data model >> view >> save data as sample >> save >> create report >> choose use report editor >> finish >> upload the template

View a list >> selexct PDF as default format >> save >> view report.

ERP - Create Master details BI report using element link

Usecase: Create a master BI report using element link between two datamodels or groups.

We will create two data models supplier and supplier site and link them using common column vendor_id.

Detailed screenshots:

Monday, July 8, 2024

ERP BIP - Create Master details BI report using group Link


Here, we will create a master details BI report using group link. We will link po header with po lines(one or more) using group link where the unique and common field is po_header_id to map in these 2 tables.

PO_HDR( query for open standard PO with suppliers):

SELECT POH.po_header_id PO_HDR_ID

,POH.segment1  PO_NUMBER

,POH.document_status PO_ STATUS

,POH.type_lookup_code PO_TYPE


,HP.party_name SUPPLIER_NAME

FROM po_headers_all POH

, poz_suppliers PS

,hz_parties HP

WHERE POH.vendor_id= PS.vendor_id

AND PS.party_id= HP.party_id

AND POH.type_lookup_code= 'STANDARD'

AND POH.document_status='OPEN'

AND PS.segment1= 1255

PO_LINES(Query to find PO Lines against a PO Header.


,POL.po_line_id PO_LINE_ID

,POL.line_num PO_LINE_NUM

,POL.line_status PO_LINE_STATUS

,POL.item_description PO_ITEM

,POL.uom_code ITEM_UOM



FROM po_lines_all POL

WHERE POL.po_header_id = :po_hdr_id

Detailed screenshots:

Create data model

Create data sets for po_header and po_lines.

Create group link

Data view and save as sample date

Create report

Friday, July 5, 2024

VBCS - Create a Business object relationship

 Usecase: Create a business object relationship

Open one business object >> overview >> Relationship >> select right side employee table >> choose the relationship as needed here one to many. >> create relationship.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Notepad ++ - How to Find special characters in data in notepad++


Sometimes integration fails for special characters in data which we can't see and its like a double space in data. 

If you are cutting and pasting from a text file, such as an XML file, you can find non-ASCII characters as

Follow below steps to find the special char:

  1. Open the file in Notepad++
  2. Click the ‘Search’ menu.
  3. Click ‘Find Characters in Range” (the last item in the list)
  4. Make sure “Non-ASCII Characters (128-255)” is selected (I think it is the default).
  5. Click ‘Find’.
  6. It will highlight the row where the special character is.
  7. Click ‘Close’ and the cursor will be place immediately after the special character if one is found. (cursor will return to where the search began if no special characters are found).
  8. If you hit ‘Backspace’ immediately after the search, a special character will expand into its character codes. Delete them and replace with the desired character.

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