Thursday, March 3, 2022

ERP BI - How to create a simple BI publisher Report | get a sequence number using bip report

Here, we will show you how to create a BI report. Basically we will generate an unique Invoice id based on SQL sequence from dual.

SQL query:

Select AP_INVOICES_S.nextval invoice_id from dual

Steps in detail:

Login to ERP and Navigate to Tools >> Reports & Analytics

Browse Catalog

Create a new folder "Poc" under /Shared Folder /custom/Integration

New >> Data Model

Click "+" sign and Select SQL Query.

Provide Name, select data soirce and SQL query >> ok

Data >> view

Data 》 Save as Sample data

Save Data Model

Go back to Catalog

Now you can see data model is ready.

New 》Report

Select the created data model 》 Next

Select Table 》 Next

Drag and drop field names from data source 》 Next


Action》Edit Report

View list 

Select output format as Data(csv)

Save Report

Go back to Catalog


You can see its showing the expected invoice id.

1 comment:

  1. Really good work there. Informative and helpful. Appreciate it. But might be looking for Odoo Custom Module Development in North Carolina


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