Tuesday, December 20, 2022

ERP - BI Report Export | Send to UCM | Send as Email Attachment

Usecase: Here, we will see the following -

  • How to schdule BI report and send using email attachment and also send to UCM.
  • How to check schedule report history
  • How to check BI ess job run from scheduled process
  • How to see export file to UCM
  • See other delivery options in administration settings.

Detailed steps with Screenshots:

Monday, December 19, 2022

ERP - BI report Migration

BI report migration is very simple. We need to archive the data model and report from one instance and unarchive to higher or another instance.


ERP - How to stop auto run of a parameterized BI report

When we use parameters in BI report and go all data case, we observe it starts auto running while we just open the report. To avoid this, we simply need to stop the auto run option from properties.

Detailed Steps are below:

ERP BI - Case Study 2 - Create RTF template in MS WORD BI Publisher

Use case: we will perform the following in the RTF template:

  • Show data in tabular format and provide a report name.
  • Repeat table header in each page
  • Sort data in Ascending order on Invoice Number
    • <?sort:INVOICE_NUM;'Ascending'?>
  • Show or limit only 5 records per page
    • <if:position() mod 5 =0?><xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute><?end if?>
  • Show "NO DATA FOUND" if query does not fetch any data
    • <?choose:?><?when:count(INVOICE_NUM) > 0?><?end when?><?otherwise:?>NO DATA FOUND<?end otherwise?><?end choose?>

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Now, my RTF template is ready. Upload it and use.

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